How to unlock an Avito account
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How to unlock an Avito account


It is very convenient to buy and sell goods and unwanted personal items on free classified ad services. That is, until you encounter a profile block. Such a situation can happen to both experienced sellers and inexperienced newcomers. Both groups often do not know what to do if Avito blocks their account. Let’s try to understand this problem and find solutions for all possible scenarios.

By the way, on the SMSBOWER website, you can purchase inexpensive numbers for registering on Avito. After all, you wouldn’t want to buy a new SIM card every time to regain access to the platform. Temporary numbers are inexpensive, guarantee SMS reception, and are completely anonymous!

How to Recover Avito if You Forgot Your Password?

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For those who prefer not to store passwords for online services in one place where they can always be found, but instead do so chaotically like most people, recovering access to an account can be problematic. Here is an instruction that you should carefully read and strictly follow step by step to recover your Avito account:

  1. On the login page for your profile, find and click the "Forgot Password" button;
  2. In the form that appears, enter the email address linked to your account;
  3. Wait for an email from the support service containing a link to reset your password;
  4. Follow the link from the email;
  5. Create and enter a secure password. Make sure it is both safe and easy to remember.

By following these simple steps, you can recover access to your Avito account without unnecessary hassle.

How to Recover a Blocked Account on Avito?

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This is a common situation that can arise due to a violation of the platform's rules, which many users still do not read. What should you do if your profile on Avito is blocked? Follow this instruction:

  1. Open the email linked to your account and look for a message from the support service explaining the reasons for the profile block;
  2. Contact the platform's technical support yourself. After some clarifications, they will provide access to a special form;
  3. In this form, specify the reasons for the block and describe the issue from your perspective (e.g., you did not violate the rules, it was a mistake, or it was unintentional);
  4. When a service specialist responds, politely explain that the rule violation was accidental and assure them it will not happen again;
  5. If you convince the platform employee, they will grant access to the account recovery form;
  6. Be sure to avoid repeated rule violations.

In this section, you learned how to unblock your Avito account if it was blocked due to a violation of the platform's rules.

How to Unblock Avito After Deleting an Account?

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In this situation, where neither the recovery form on the platform's website nor contacting technical support helps, the only solution may be to create a new account. Recovering a deleted profile on Avito becomes impossible.

Remember, to register a new account with the phone number linked to the deleted profile, you must wait at least six months after deleting the previous profile. Therefore, using a virtual number may be the only convenient solution in this situation.

You can find more details about virtual numbers and their usage in the last section of this material.

How to Unblock a Deleted Ad on Avito?

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Another unpleasant situation arises when the system blocks your ads on the classifieds board, including paid ones. Refunds are possible, but how can you regain access to a blocked ad on Avito? If it was blocked after automatic moderation, in 99% of cases – you cannot!

As for refunds, it depends on whether the ad appeared in search results. If not, you will be refunded the full amount for the paid placement. However, if the ad was already visible in search results, the refund issue will be resolved individually during communication with the support service employee.

Such situations are particularly unpleasant, but it is important to carefully follow the platform's rules and recommendations to avoid such problems with ad blocking and loss of paid funds.

How to Recover a Profile on Avito if Nothing Helps?

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If you have tried all options and still do not know why your profile on Avito was blocked, and moreover, could not recover it, then you have no choice but to register a new account. For this, you will need a new phone number to link to the profile.

But there is no need to rush to a mobile store to buy a new SIM card. Instead, check out the best SMS activator on the web, SMSBOWER. Here, you will find working numbers for registering on Avito and other popular platforms at an affordable cost and with guaranteed SMS delivery.

Additionally, a temporary number ensures anonymity and provides a 100% solution to the problem if your profile on Avito is blocked. Here are more reasons to use our numbers:

  • Low prices;
  • Refund or replacement of the number in case of failure;
  • Wide selection of services;
  • Wide selection of countries;
  • Convenient payment methods;
  • Complete anonymity;
  • 24/7 technical support.
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